For those of you who know me irl, you'd remember that I was with UNYPP before being a blood-sucking lawyer. I used to treat the UNDHR as the bible ( how stupid), recent events have changed me completely. There is no such thing as an UNIVERSAL set of rights to b enjoyed by all 1/3
UNDHR is merely a set of western ideals used by imperialists to impose their wills on other nations with markedly different cultural and social values. To have an one size fits all approach is not only naive but extremely disingenuous. The quote by Ignatieff sums it up 👇. 2/3
"The West now masks its own will to power in the impartial, universalising language of human rights and seeks to impose its own narrow agenda on a plethora of world cultures that do not actually share the West’s conception of individuality, selfhood, agency, or freedom” 3/3
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