Is Remdesivir a cure all? There are several treatments that have been demonstrated via high quality RCTs to reduce mortality. Never mind IVM, even HCQ+Zithro had stronger evidence of stronger effect and fewer risks than Remdesivir when Remdesivir became standard of care.
Remdesivir is administered by IV because it's toxic to your liver. There is little evidence to support the belief that Remdesivir is safe. Yet it was HCQ that was portrayed as a heart attack in a bottle after being prescribed a billion times over 65yrs.
IVM also has an exceptional safety record. Meanwhile there is nary a chirp about why mRNA and DNA vaccines have spent so long in unsuccessful development. (Hint: safety.)
When guys like Fauci denigrate masking, lockdowns, and travel bans one day and preach them the next or they dismiss observational studies in one instance and trumpet them in another, it's a window into their motives, credibility, and competence.
A layman can detect this. But even if you happen to be a world renowned virologist or a professor of medicine at Stanford, they will simply tar you as a quack anyway. And they can do so because they are never held to account for the hypocrisy.
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