1. The only source of energy that has ever existed in all of time has come from the spark that is emitted from the thoughts of gods (that's you).
2. When a fractal of god thinks a thought, it is the production of Dark Matter energy that then transitions into blue Light Matter energy (bioelectric energy) that travels throughout the brain triggering your synapses to tell your body how to react and function.
3 This spark comes from nowhere; merely thought alone.
4. Standard Model Science doesn't know where it comes from, particle physics doesn't know where it comes from and neither does quantum mechanics. It is the perpetual-constant of all walks of physics that remains the most universal conundrum within the educated world.
5. That energy that can only be produced by a Sentient fractal of god, also referred to as prime creator or Higgs Bosons, is the only place where raw energy has been observed as the genesis or the place where energy births into the countless things where such energy is ...
6. ... then stored, such as in hydrogen or oil, etc. No other thing has ever been shown to author energy other than the Sentient brain.
7. All other materials that hold this energy are shown to be merely capacitors, or batteries if you will, that store that power, but do not bring it into existence all by itself. That is, other than SiO2 quartz crystal.
8. The quartz crystal, known as piezoelectric, pyroelectric, static electric, etc. are living brains that think and store their own energy and absorb and store the waves emitted from Sentient thoughts emitted around them.
9. This is why every electronic device ever made was made out of one strain or the other of the polymorphic substance (that determines by itself which shape it is going to take from liquid water to gas to solid crystalline form) known as SiO2 in science.
10. The computer or smartphone you are reading this on now is not only powered by it (your Li batteries), but is fitted with billions of tiny individual quartz crystals called Aniline (or anionic reagent surfactantsin nanotechnology) ...
11. ... that think and respond to the signals feeding into them. Otherwise a gadget made out of nothing but plastic, wires and metals is never going to function as some sort of living library or long-distance communication device for you.
12. That is simply nonsense and it is astonishing that anyone ever believed it in the first place.
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