Dear Steve Allan --

Sorry I never got back to you on the invitation you sent me to participate in your inquiry. The reason is I wasn't sure you were acting in good faith. Now I know you weren't.

yours in Soros,

A climate journalist
Just revisiting this story about how Jason Kenney's anti-Alberta inquiry spent $28k on a hobbyist's ravings about climate journalism and this detail jumped out at me anew
I mean if Kenney and the UCP weren't already such a shambolic mult-chapter catastrophe, this government-sponsored tinfoil hattery would be a real scandal
"Constantly monitored, short, cold, and miserable, just like pre-industrial times.” Ah yes the legendary surveillance culture of the 17th century, which Hobbes railed against with such fervour
Oh but don't sleep on the international cabal scheming to take away the very food plants need to survive! This insight was worth $28k of my tax dollars all by itself
I tell you what folks I'm going straight to the source and leafing through this thing myself before George Soros and the Rothschilds steal the oxygen right out of my lungs
"This has been called 'The Great Transition', 'Paradigm Shift', 'Great Transformation', 'Global Phase Shift', and many other labels."
"This report provides timely insight into the nature, motivations, objectives,and strategies of the Transnational Progressive Movement to force or manufacture an energy

transition using the rationale of climate change." Whoa, Trumpian capitalization!
This is worse than I thought. The struggling upstart oil industry has been targeted by all-powerful "cultural scientists" like @TadHomerDixon!
"A month later, the Worldwatch Institute, on behalf of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Transatlantic Climate Policy Group ..." ... in conjunction with the saucer people ... under the supervision of the reverse vampires ...
Honest to god the government of Alberta's handpicked forensic accountant paid someone for this
"At the invitation only launch in Madrid, Spain, with eery
foreshadowing to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic that will be discussed later, the financial crisis was identified as presenting “progressives with a unique and unprecedented opportunity to shape the international agenda.”
"Some would call progressivism a form of socialism that intends to progress towards a communist type societal organization." And I think I'm out for now. Gotta go, you know, absorb this truth bomb
Why can't I quit you, unhinged right-wing rant my tax dollars paid for?
Anyway I've downloaded myself a copy. Not to finish reading, necessarily, but in case someone working on that inquiry has a moment of clarity and decides to try to erase all record of its existence
One last thing I've skimmed the section on "climate change rationale" and it's wildly false and recklessly irresponsible and no government that wants to be taken seriously in the energy economy in 2021 should have its name attached to this drivel
So to sum up the Alberta government will have spent $3.5m on an inquiry into the sources of opposition to its energy industry comes from and one of the key findings of a report it commissioned will be that the answer is climate science
In all seriousness though—or at least *some*—what this report and the inquiry’s citations of Lomborg and Shellenberger seem to indicate is Allan skipped past his search anti-Alberta activities and decided to try to prove the climate crisis isn’t real. Which is just ...
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