WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC: If there is a time to push to make healthcare a human right, its now. Ppl of all income levels need to be able to go to the doctor without fear of not having enough money in their pocket/going bankrupt, especially when we're dealing with a contagious virus.
WE NEED TO SEPERATE HEALTH FROM EMPLOYMENT: The pandemic has showed us in real time how disastrous it is for people to rely on their employer for healthcare because pandemics cause people to lose their job at the most vital time for them to stay healthy.
WE ARE THE HOME OF THE FREE: A country without single payer health insurance means a lack of freedom. Freedom to choose a doctor that is "out of network," freedom to leave a job you hate because that job is your healthcare provider. Freedom from medical bankruptcy.
WE MUST COVER MENTAL HEALTH: Covid hasn’t been easy on us. 1 of the best parts of M4A is that it covers the cost of psychologists and psychiatrists. This would bring down drug abuse, homelessness and acts of violence, furthering the case that med4all is a public safety necessity.
WE DON'T NEED MIDDLEMEN: Giving a large percentage of what we spend on health care to for-profit private insurance is unnecessary. They don't improve health outcomes, they don't increase access. Their objective is to make as much money as possible which means DENYING coverage.
WE LOVE SAVING MONEY: Hi fiscal conservatives. A Koch Brothers-funded study found that M4A would save the American people $2T over the next 10 yrs. By cutting down administrative costs + eliminating insurance companies, healthcare would be a smaller fraction of the family budget.
WE ARE UNDERPERFORMING GLOBALLY: We spend more on healthcare for worse outcomes compared to countries with single payer healthcare (UK, Canada, Taiwan, Italy, Spain etc.) For all the talk of America being #1, we rank fairly low in this category as well as many others.
WE WANT TO KEEP THE DEM CONGRESS: Biden can either materially improve ppl’s lives with an agenda that includes guaranteed healthcare, making the dem popularity skyrocket and restoring faith in government or he can deny people help in a pandemic causing GOP to take over in 2022.
WE HATE BUREAUCRACY: Just think about how many less forms you'll have to fill out, calls you'll have to wait on hold for etc. M4A would make everything simple. You walk in, you get the care you need, you leave. Done.
WE'VE BEEN IGNORING RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS: Regardless of your religion or lack thereof, these texts tell us to take care of the least among us. Feed the hungry, heal the sick, love all people. It is morally indefensible for any human to be denied medical care.
WE MUST PROTECT THE HOMELESS: They are at incredibly high risk for Covid and not likely to have health insurance/money to pay 4 out of pocket expenses. And with the housing crisis which is only worsened by the pandemic, more people are experiencing homelessness than ever before.
WE HAVE A RACIAL WEALTH GAP: BIPOC, particularly black women have shockingly terrible health outcomes in this country. M4A would address that as well by shrinking the wealth gap by 25% as POC are disproportionately represented by medical bankruptcies.
WE CAN ALL BENEFIT: While there are some progressive agenda items like student debt cancellation that are also vital to push Biden on, that is something that doesn't directly benefit everyone and can create backlash, whereas M4A would universally benefit all working class people.
WE'VE GOT A WINNING ISSUE: Some dem priorities have only slim majorities while M4A is supported by 88% of democrats and even a majority of republicans. Pushing to pass a policy that is overwhelmingly popular is a no-brainer.
WE NEED AN ECONOMIC BOOST: When we aren't crushed by massive health bills + aren’t desperately saving 4 the next health-scare, we can spend money on other things. Small business' have been devastated and could use the relief that comes from a population with more spending money.
WE NEED PREVENTATIVE CARE: When we are constantly putting off going to the doctor because we're scared of the bill, we end up with much larger and more expensive medical issues that should have been dealt with earlier on.
WE CAN PUSH BIDEN ON THIS: I know a lot of us feel cynical when we look at Biden's record and statements on this issue but we need to have hope. This is a man that lost loved ones from health issues and someone that cares about their legacy/their ability to bring people together.
Let's be relentless in our public pressure and do the unthinkable, get a centrist to guarantee healthcare. 

Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any arguments to add please do so below :)
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