NEW: Premier Ford says he spoke with Israeli officials today about COVID-19 rollout; "Predictable vaccine supply is critical." #onpoli
Ford says he's asked Gen. Hillier to complete all LTC homes/retirement homes by Feb. 5. "We have to make sure we're able to deliver their second dose...we can't take vaccine shipments for granted."
"Delivery delays are now forcing us to be careful and cautious" - Ford says it means reserving 2nd doses for frail/vulnerable LTC residents to get shots between 21-27 days
Ford says he hopes by summer everyone who wants a vaccine will get one (Trudeau has said by Sept.)
Hillier says Ont. has vaccinated almost 300K people; 50K have received 2 doses.
Ontario has also extended its state of emergency for another 14 days; now expires on Feb. 9 unless extended again.
First Q is about Roberta Place and disturbing inspection report, why hasn't military been called in?- Ford replies, when he asked that, "I was told we don't need them." #onpoli
Ford is asked about vaccine hesitancy among health care workers, says he's encouraging everyone to get it. Back to Roberta Place, he says the "root cause" of that outbreak is travel "we need to tighten up the borders."
Ford says everyone at the press conference will get vaccinated, "to reassure the people."
Ford is asked about Waterloo church continuing to hold in-person services; he says he understands it's important, but can do services virtually: "I think it's careless and irresponsible ... I discourage this 100 per cent."
Ford again asks them to stop, "there will be consequences."
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