Men calling out dipshit creative leadership and standing up for women colleagues challenge 2021.

Fellas, if someone above you makes an idiotic comment like this, call them out. Your silence supports people who are so fucking stupid it hurts. Be better.
To be more clear, because my blood is boiling and I'm therefore generalizing: Support everyone on your team, whether they're cis, trans, nb, whatever.

Resist the bigoted bullshit you read in this story. Root out assholes, and empower people around you who deserve better.
A senior on one of my prev. projects remarked to me once, "This game has a lot of women, esp. in high ranking positions." I asked only "Is that a problem for you?" and he backpedaled so hard I thought he was going to fall over.

Bigots have no conviction, just hate. They are weak
This is how simple it is. You only have to SAY SOMETHING and they crumble. And people sometimes feel safer agreeing with your push-back than speaking out themselves.

If you are privileged in your work environment, use it for good. Stop letting toxicity and hostility spread.
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