Let me do some hot takes, care to disagree:
Fans who hate players from other teams are most likely jealous that they don’t have them.
De ligt and Upa will Dominate best CBs in the future ( ik this is pretty popular)
People who don’t rate other leagues just does not simply watch it and are ignorant about something they do not know
Lewa, havertz, de jong and Bruno are players who get unfairly hated on, have your own opinions but calling them bad footballers is just not true lol
Fans CAN make a player unlikeable
Neuer is one of the greats and people will realise it when he retires
Coming for a style of football like atléticos is stupid just say you lost against good tactic
There’s more good LB than RB in football
Generational goalkeepers are slowly decreasing
What Ronaldo does for juve is not talked about enough just because he hasn’t won a Ucl with them
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