[BIG THREAD] MeWe, the “anti-Facebook” social media platform, is overflowing with anti-vaccine content. What’s worse, administration are distinctly aware of this, but choose to do nothing. The philosophy behind MeWe’s creation is resulting in deadly misinformation.
Meet MeWe founder and CEO, Mark Weinstein. He created the platform in direct response to Facebook’s notorious exploitation of user data. He also wanted to have a space without what he calls censorship. In doing so, he opened the door to a plethora of junk science.
Defending it in a NY Post op-ed, Weinstein says, “Censorship is often counter­productive. Banning content proves to the conspiracy-minded that it must be valuable because the authorities don’t want them to see it.” To him, removing dangerous misinfo worsens the problem. Link ↓
Weinstein recently posted a statement on the site saying that it isn’t the job of a social media company to regulate its content beyond illegal activity. He indicated that views on health and medicine were not to be moderated, acknowledging the sizable anti-vax community.
With this all in mind, here are the consequences of Weinstein’s philosophy. Bear in mind each post taken seriously can endanger yourself and those around you.
Tries to legitimize anti-vax conspiracy through an invitation of an anti-vax doctor to Senate hearing about covid treatments. Said doctor belongs to an association that view vaccine mandates as “a violation of human rights”. Link ↓
Attempts to use slowed covid vaccine rollout as evidence of ineffectiveness and to label the determined science behind it baseless.
Claims that covid vaccines can result in HIV.
Uses out of context article to prove testing for covid is unnecessary. This was published in August 2020. At the time, most medical experts were directly contradicting the CDC’s position.
Uses out of context article to say vaccine is unsafe because doctors are refusing it. When read, it clearly states most doctors’ reasoning is because of mistrust in government and pharmaceutical industry. They are not decrying the science itself. Link ↓
@mewe you are endangering lives in the face of a pandemic that has killed over 400,000 Americans. In one interview, Mark Weinstein said he was calling Facebook on its BS. Well, now I’m calling you on yours. #Covid_19
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