Non-western examples of historical and contemporary explicit use of additive synthesis / FM & other sound synthesis processes experiments? Trying to enlarge my syllabus
FYI and to further the conversation, Juan Blanko was part of an electronic music studio in Cuba
Also Francis Bebey in Cameroon obviously
But researches online and insights into the creative process, and especially this specific topic, are not that abondant I find, at least not within the frame of my capacity to search in english and french...
This one is later (1992), but also Rapto Saharjo in Yogyakarta did early electronic experiments (he's also well-known as a gamelan composer). I was at his family house/archive when I was there, most of his work is just not archived / digitalized (yet)
More like delay, reverb and sampling here it seems...
Ok so, the NHK electronic music studios in Japan are a little bit easier to research... I need to put all of this in my next show... Here Toshiro Mayuzumi
Also this one from Makoto Moroi, another NHK studios-related composer
Not sound synthesis but related subject - the earliest piece of tape music / electroacoustic music that is known: Halim El-Dabh - Wire Recorder piece (1944)
Also more like tape, but maybe something else too (around 2:30): Alireza Maschayeki - Shur (1968), using "Shur melodic patterns from persian radif" ...
Ok, clearer use of sound synthesis in the work of Alireza Maschayeki here with Chahargah I, Op.75 (1979)
Also clearer here with his piece Yaad, Op.66 (1970)
This is amazing, I'm glad I discovered all those artists...
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