Why Rightist internationalism is a joke, or the Ian Miles Cheong effect. The reality about Right wing international cooperation is that it flies against fundamental basic principles of conservatism. Rightists are at a fundamental level parochial traditionalists who guard their
patch of dirt and don't care for much else beyond that. Whether this attitude is positive or negative is debatable, but it is a very safe and stable point of view to be had. The only time it has effectively worked was I suppose the concert of Europe post Napoleon where everyone
agreed to mind their own damn business. This is a remarkable and pragmatic attitude to have, unfortunately the peace shattered by none other than perfidious Albion during the Crimean war. Unfortunately the idea to leave everything well enough alone is also guided by another
countervailing conservative impulse, obedience to authority or more accurately power worship. Just as liberals err in worship of the underdog, irrespective of worth it justness, conservatives find it natural to follow who they feel are strong. An instinctive habit to follow the
biggest dog. Whereas the first attitude leads them to concerns immediate to them, the latter is generally more apt to lead them astray and it is also why international right wing cooperation so seldomly manifests except when external factors provide a true multipolar environment.
Absent this, you get American jock sniffers like Ian "muh Luso ancestors" Miles Cheong or Styx "Biden is not my Pres" Euroweenie. It's why all of the non-American magaists come off smelling rank because they are basically the political equivalent of fairweather sports fans who
always cheer on the winning team, but too stupid to realize that they are actually cheering on both the perpetual loser outer party of a system that is undermining their very own particularist and parochial traditions.
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