On Feb 1, Council will debate changing neighbourhood speed limits from 50km/h to 40km/h. A 40km/h neighbourhood speed limit will save lives and it will save money. If #yyccc delays this decision to a plebiscite, there will be huge financial and human costs. #yycwalk #yycbike
9,000+ collisions happen every year on Calgary's neighbourhood streets. 550+ result in death or injury. 40km/h will help prevent collisions, reduce collision severity, and help avoid the suffering we experience when loved ones are injured or killed on our streets.
If the human cost wasn't enough, 40km/h also saves us money. Each year, collisions on neighbourhood streets cost Calgarians over $270 million. Moving to 40km/h will save society $8.1 million annually, easily covering the onetime $2.3 million cost of new signs.
What are neighbourhood streets? They're the streets in front of your home, the streets our kids use to walk to school, and the streets our senior neighbours cross for groceries. Council has heard, for many years, that we need to make neighbourhoods safer. 40km/h helps do that.
We're not changing the speed limits on major commuter roads. The streets that would move to 40km/h make up a tiny percentage of your commute. You can use this tool to see how little your commute would be affected. For most, it's less than 2 minutes: https://www.etatool.com/tool.html 
Council has an opportunity to show leadership in making our neighbourhoods safer and more liveable. 40km/h will help make that happen. A plebiscite is simply a waste of time, money, and lives. You can let all members of Council know your thoughts here: https://www.calgary.ca/citycouncil/ward-7/contact-ward-7.html
You can follow @DruhFarrell.
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