What a weird way for an "alt-right podcaster" to "radicalize young men" into "right-wing extremism":
That second Chomsky video Rogan posted is really worth watching: about how Chomsky was widely smeared by liberal elites and intellectuals as a *neo-Nazi* and white supremacist because he opposed the firing of a tenured French history professor for Holocaust revisionism:
What's so tragic about what's happening is that the Free Speech Movement of the 1960s grew out of left wing politics. Many of the key 1st Amendment decisions were from leftists jurists. Nobody embodies the Left and Free Speech better than Chomsky. Just listen to him:
The idea that times have changed - that free speech can't be tolerated because of the threat of extremism - is ahistorical bullshit.

Chomsky did this in Western Europe just a few decades after a Holocaust that wiped out his family. Full 10 minute video:
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