Very quick hot take on #harrypotter news:

1. It’s not news yet, really - this is like “someone talked about this out loud.” No one attached.
2. Fans have wanted a TV series since the movies were being made and it became clear that TV was better suited to complicated narrative
3. It’s a remarkable opportunity to redo the series, if that’s the idea
4. You cannot do this without addressing the deep transphobia espoused by #jkr and being transparent about the clear actions you’re taking to address that.
That means hiring a diverse team to write/produce it, including trans people and a creative team made up of majority people of color.

It means making a clear statement of values up front.

It is impossible to ignore the stain of bigotry spread across this series by its creator
If WB wants a shot at reinvigorating the deep love that showed up the first time around (and let’s be clear, that’s what this news leak is about - testing reaction), it must address it head on.
Clear values statement. Donation of a portion of proceeds. Diverse creative team. Diverse casting. Lots to do. But hot take feels like there is a small opening to do it right, if they care enough to do so.
(My hopes any of this will happen are not high)
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