On Saturday, the County Board received a lengthy and detailed update on COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Arlington. We know not everyone has time to watch a weekend Board meeting, so here are a few key bits of info.

(Full update is available here: )
“I know it’s beyond frustrating and downright scary for many of us – including me – about the change and uncertainty in vaccine availability.” – Dr. Reuben Varghese, Public Health Director.
“Within a week and a half of entering Phase 1b, the state informed the entire Commonwealth it was shifting to a per capita allocation by health district region.”
The primary reason for the sudden change was 1) Virginia is only receiving 110,000 doses per week for the whole state and 2) in a span of just two weeks, all of Virginia moved into Phase 1b.
At this point, “the per capita allocation for Arlington, regardless of who the provider is, is roughly 2,700 doses per week. ... We have had the capacity to do at least 1,000 per day … but obviously without the vaccine we’re unable to do more.”
“Through Jan. 23, Arlington County has received 5100 first doses from Virginia. And as of Jan. 22, we have used 4,560 doses, close to 90%, which is what we were aiming for, so we always have supply to start the next week.”
“Arlington County is ready to deliver vaccine as supplies become available from VDH and will be diligently working to contact affected Arlingtonians in the coming weeks. We understand the community’s frustration and appreciate everyone’s patience." - Board Chair Matt de Ferranti.
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