Here is a fact check of this false tweet from a Tory MP


1.Annual leave

The EU figure excludes Bank Holidays, the UK figure doesn't.

UK entitlement excluding Bank Holidays is 20 per year and is the joint lowest in the EU. The average in the EU is 24.
2. Sick Pay

The United Kingdom is bottom of the league when it comes to sick pay. The lowest sick pay vs average wage comparison.

Sick pay is just 35% of the average wage. Even Estonia, Slovakia and Bulgaria have better rates.
Maternity Leave

The UK is one of the better nations as far as the amount of weeks leave (6th out of 28)

However we have the joint lowest maternity pay vs average wage payment.
Living wage.

Six countries have no living wage requirements. Out of the remaining 22 nations, we rate around 10th, hardly something to crow about.

So this tweet is dishonest and awful and factually incorrect. It seems to me as it is gaslighting in order to start reducing rights
The worst thing about this is the information is easily sourced on Google so fact checking took ten minutes. The Tories rely on people not checking. Don't let them deceive you with truth twisting, the facts are there.
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