2/ Current models are important pieces but are very slow, not shifting power, not shifting the public narrative.

We need more than policy research, issue education, policy education, lobbying, phonebanking, and finding more Medicare for All-championing candidates.
3/ Momentum-style organizing is focused on crystal clear narratives, escalating polarizing actions, and integrating and training people who get excited for your cause to take part in distributed organizing.

Examples: Sunrise, Cosecha, If Not Now. https://www.momentumcommunity.org/ 
4/ If you're an organizing nerd, too, check out this playlist of training videos from Momentum.
5/ Two things I'll add beyond what @mariuyehara excellently called for.

Our health justice movement needs to be about *more* than universalizing health insurance.

And it needs to be internationalist.
6/ Universalizing health insurance is essential, but health justice will require other measures to make sure healthcare is equitable.

Who has healthcare career pathways?

Are oppressed people or communities equitably given special priority or resources?
7/ And beyond *healthcare* equity, *health* equity needs us to give more attention to whole fields outside of healthcare that the US is pretty ignorant of, misunderstands, or has disinvested from:

We need community health systems


We need public health systems
8/ Lastly, we cannot forget solidarity with those facing health injustices globally. The US global health field and the Medicare for All community have been essentially parallel, separate.
9/ But it's the same fight. Borders are morally meaningless. All people deserve healthcare.

The US health justice movement must embrace internationalism in thought, messaging, and policy.
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