the summer the Young Patriots were formed their founding members went to DC with King's Poor People's March hot on the heels of running Peggy Terry & Eldridge Cleaver against George Wallace. they always organized against white supremacy
YPO guys started working with Bobby Lee of the Illinois Black Panther Party the following fall after a chance meeting at a white liberal church. there was very little daylight between the "founding" of the YPO and their clear anti-racist stance
YPO members talk about shedding racist views through the practice of solidarity with the BPP & Young Lords but a lot of that work predates the group itself and was done with Uptown's Jobs or Income Now, an interracial (tho predom white, southern migrant) neighborhood union.
that Jimmy Dore & co. need to imagine the Young Patriots were white supremacists (rather than poor and working-class white people struggling through and against racism, which was prevalent) should tell you that they're the sad wishful thinkers here
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