There’s a lot going on in crime fiction today, so here are my two cents: there are places that are actively looking to attract new writers, who want to support new voices, and who want to expand the genre beyond decades old tropes and No Limits posturing.
These are the places that deserve your support. These are the places that have been around, and will stay around. These are the places that, if you go through their archives, you’ll see names, people who have taken their talent to the next level.
Then, there are places that are built up solely for the benefit of the editor. Magazines that exist to be a cult of personality for the editor. These places have even smaller readerships and you’ll see the same names over and over again, precisely because the editor wants to keep
the people who have already bought in close. It’s a desire for control, and a persistent need to be the king of an ever smaller hill. It’s sad, but important for writers to recognize - your growth will ALWAYS be secondary to their control over you. Avoid them.
If you’re new to this community and you’re not sure what me and others are talking about, I’d suggest reviewing @GoshDarnMyLife’s thread on this. He’s got advice on places for you to submit. And I, too, am committed to being open and accessible to anyone who wants to talk.
The other thing I’m committed to is being welcoming. I’m not holding grudges. I don’t care where you’ve published previously. I will never ever hold anything like that against you. If you want to help move the genre forward, you’ll find a partner in me.

Now let’s get to work.
You can follow @PauljGarth.
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