We need to draw a line in the sand. Sites like @Twitter, @YouTube, & @wordpressdotcom MUST deplatform the racist, misogynistic, hateful assholes who spend their days harassing people in this space.

It needs to end. And if you’re reading this, YOU must be ACTIVELY ANTI-racist.
Cowardly, horrendous people like I*chy and these YouTube hacks need to be stopped. They cannot be tolerated.

We need to make it a point to step in as much as possible. Ignoring it isn’t going to work. High roading it isn’t going to work. You need to fight & expose it.
And if you’re like me, a white or white-passing cishet man, then you owe it to others in this space (that do not fit that description) to do something. To stand up & use our privilege. To hold people accountable. To let them know that yes, we ARE INDEED cancelling their bullshit.
I’m tired of it. I’m sick and fucking tired of it. These are issues with zero wiggle room. You care about BIPOC, or you don’t. You care about women, nonbinary people, & Trans lives, or you don’t.

And if you fall into the “don’t” category on *any* of those, then fuck off.
We’re moving beyond hateful, insecure, vicious men. The ship has sailed. In the same way that I don’t buy the calls for unity from conservative politicians, I don’t think we need to share a fandom with them. We don’t. It can’t be theirs because they *don’t even understand it.*
No more. It’s their own fault they feel such a pathetic, boiling rage. But nobody should have to pay for that but them. Fuck ‘em. Just fuck ‘em. This is not an operatic redemption story fitting of our shared passion. This needs to be a collective banishment effort.
You can follow @AD_Strider.
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