I didn't want to have to tweet but needs must.
I was recently contacted about Syrian (resettlement programme) refugees in Co Longford. Welcomed by community BUT their housing situation is dire incl case of "pregnant woman sleeping in a car with engine on to keep warm"👇
Above case occurred during recent freezing weather. It is now freezing again. Another example of substandard accom incl child experiencing electrical currents from wall due to faulty wiring. All of this was reported by families & their friends but to NO avail (over long period)👇
Those involved are exasperated. Hard to keep fighting against institutional inertia, which we see time & time again in Ireland. Complete lack of responsibility, accountability, compassion. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. So.. I looked into the situation & decided to advocate as best I could.👇
10 days ago I emailed a polite but firm appeal to @rodericogorman, @HMcEntee, @SorcaClarke_TD @peterburkefg, @RobertTroyTD, some relevant NGOs & Director of Services at @longfordcoco. Provided basic info & a contact no. 👇
Most NGOs replied as did @joefla, @SorcaClarke_TD, @peterburkefg & office of @rodericogorman. I hoped things would move last week & wouldn't need to post on Twitter, that people just do their job. Apparently, this going on a very long time. Nothing has changed since. Nothing.👇
I have no involvement with any party or group, just coming at this as a citizen with a voice who knows I too need to do more. I can't just ignore a story of a pregnant Syrian refugee sleeping in a car to keep warm. Who can? Why no action? Why the inertia?👇
Money isn't the issue here. The refugee resettlement programme is funded. Civil SERVANTs well paid to SERVE the needs of the people. Yes, there's a pandemic but all the more reason to respond to cries for help. 👇
There are now weather warnings for snow & ice. This needs ACTION & FAST. I raise this to spark change on this situation but my experience is that similar is going on elsewhere when it comes to needs of our homeless, asylum seekers, refugees & others. System grinds people down.👇
I'll return to the story of the pregnant woman. I couldn't stop thinking about the recent #MotherandBabyHomeReport. The same institutional mindset prevails, the systemic apathy, neglect, offloading, outsourcing, 'not my problem' attitude. It's cruel, dangerous, damaging.👇
We're worried about social distancing, missing friends & family, rights, freedoms, fun etc. Think of those in hubs, hostels & cramped direct provision camps. Those stranded in freezing cold tents in Lesbos. We criticise the US & elsewhere yet we've problems closer to home.👇
How can we condemn what happened in #MotherandBabyHomes & tolerate the warehousing of people in direct provision & in hubs? The country is awash with resources. What we are lacking is vision, leadership, empathy, compassion. 👇
It's urgent that @longfordcoco & officials sort this situation out. As to the other issues, we need to do more, I need to do more. This is a defining moment in our history, a chance to reflect, rebuild & set a new course. Care for our vulnerable has to be at the heart. 🇮🇪🙏❤
Relevant footnote: residents pay rent dirrctly to @longfordcoco
Regarding the above, unfortunately residential tenancies legislation does not apply to tenants of local authorities.

cc @RoryHearne @ThresholdIRE @JMMcCafferty
Shouldn't need to be emphasised but we're talking about people from Syria, location of world’s largest humanitarian catastrophe. 400,000 killed, 1/2 forced to leave homes. Hard to imagine having to flee, suffer & seek sanctuary in Ireland & now freezing & desperate for help.
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