Thanks to @POTUS, the Muslim travel ban is no more.

Why is this such a huge deal for Muslims (besides the obvious reasons)?

Well, gather ‘round’s story time.

You see, with all of the racist rhetoric by Donnie while he was on the campaign trail in 2015, we were heartbroken by Hillary’s loss in the last election.

Not since the 9/11 terrorist attacks were Muslims this afraid of targeted racism (domestically and internationally).
According to the FBI, anti-Islamic incidents were the second least reported hate crimes prior to 9/11, but following 9/11, they became the second highest reported among religion-bias incidents.

From pre-9/11 to post-9/11, a growth of 1600% took place.
When President Cheeto won, he followed through on his word on his eighth day as POTUS, implementing a ban on 7 predominantly Muslim-majority countries, crushing many of us (families were split up, students had nowhere to go and refugees were stuck).
Mosques are places of worship, so imagine:

- Donation boxes being stolen
- Property damage
- Graffiti of hate symbols or racial slurs
- Hate mail
- Bomb threats
- Arson
- Qurans burned
- Stabbings

Heck, some cities even DENIED zoning permits for NO REASON.
So I ask you, who’s the real “threat” and “terrorist” here?
As we approach the 4th “anniversary” of the Muslim Travel Ban, there’s lots of work to be done.

“...but Mr. Trump’s life-altering legacy will reverberate for generations of refugees. Repairing the damage to the refugee admissions program may take years.”
So if you’re wondering why many of us Muslims have been celebrating over Biden’s win, it’s because the US President will not see us as threats or enemies, but rather, Americans.

But the job isn’t finished, and all we can do is hope, pray and press forward.
So in the meantime, don’t mind me as I tweet even more nonsense than I did last year because of how full of joy I am.

Lastly, consider making a donation to @CAIRNational 👉🏽 
You can follow @West_Syed.
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