watching infinity war just to feel something
thor has been through so much. he couldn't catch a break for a bit there
justice for heimdall
hulk came in smashing just to flop out. an embarrassment
see, i knew this movie was gonna be a ride when they killed off two well-liked characters before the opening credits
the theme music pls
they had a kid and named her morgan. why did i forget about this😭
so chaotic 😭
tom is so cute pls
"dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards"
peter constantly saying "mr. stark" i love him
ugh crisp rat
still can't believe bradley cooper is rocket
quill is very weird and not in a cool way
thor calling rocket a rabbit helppp
even then, i thought vision and wanda were so cute together
wanda is my baby, it's true
why was chris so hot in this movie????
and scarlet????
quill is very foolish
this entire thing with gamora and thanos was actually so sad
i want to feel bad for him but he's so stupid
are you trying to tell me that steve and natasha didnt hook up while they were on the run? ok
oh god chadwick
"oh, we're using our made up names" you don't understand. i love him
and just like that, he's an avenger
my sis nebula was down terrible here
thor sweetie 😭
they had this man deep in the struggle
giant tyrion, let's goooo
mantis is so cute!
thanos has to be the worst dad 👎🏿
gamora sweetie
oh god
the slow mo with the sad music? pain
steve x bucky reunion, exactly
"and get this man a shield" chills
they really released their critters
"this will be the end of wakanda" very true, hot man
ah yes, thor nation getting a well deserved win 🤲🏾
groot 😭😭😭
cap and bp fighting side by side is something that can be so pleasing
this thor sequence has to be one of the sexiest things marvel has ever done
i really thought they could beat him wow
it's fuck starlord for life
peter was so much. he's so good
"all that for a drop of blood" they had thanos giving bars
tony was down bad in two movies wow
"we're in the endgame now" chills pt. 2
elizabeth was acting in this scene wow
did we ever find out why thanos was so confused when cap was trying to pull off the gauntlet?
steve is beat up and bloody and he still looks hot asf help
i forgot bucky was the first to go 😭
"this is no place to die" i am about to start weeping
oh god
god, tom was too good there
this man destroyed things, then just went up to his farm like it was nothing. sick and twisted
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