This isn’t a subtweet (the person asked a question in good faith, which I answered in good faith), but let’s have a discussion about portraying mental illness in #TTRPG writing... a thread... 1/9
To establish expertise, I am a mental health professional with a decade of experience under my belt, and I sit on my state professional organization for counseling. I have received therapy in my lifetime and have neuro quirks indicating ASD (but never sought diagnosis). 2/9
My advice on sensitivity if you wish to portray mental illness in your #TTRPG writing is to avoid the use of mental health disorder names entirely. Full stop. Why? 3/9
In fantasy settings in particular (like above), most times the NPC could have met with a qualified professional to get that diagnosis or seek treatment. 4/9
Also, many GMs of your work may not have the knowledge or skill to portray a disorder with sensitivity. You run a serious risk of hurting real world people living with mental illness, and now have to deal with hurtful portrayals of their personage at their table. 5/9
Think this sort of portrayal is limited to only one table here or there? I had to mention to large scale events in the last year how their portrayal of mental illness was cartoonish and harmful (thankfully, all fixed it). Your reach as a #TTRPG writer can be vast. 6/9
My final advice... Keep your description to reasonable (and not outlandish) behaviors only. If you are afraid your writing is insensitive, it probably is so don’t use it. And don’t be afraid to reach out to neurodiverse folx or MHP who can advise and sensitivity read for you. 7/9
If you do request sensitivity reads from people for mental health concerns... PAY THEM. 8/9
And it should probably go without saying, but in cultures that stigmatize mental illness, portraying villains as mentally ill is a terrible thing to do to real life people living with mental health concerns. Don’t do this. Ever. 9/9
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