It's #BuyAmerican day at the @WhiteHouse. This afternoon @POTUS is scheduled to sign an executive order that should strengthen our nation's patchwork of domestic content preference laws. They are mostly known as Buy America and Buy American. Here's our initial take:
In addition to creating jobs, #BuyAmerican is wildly popular with voters:
Some other countries complain about #BuyAmerican policies, but they speak from a position of hypocrisy. A GAO report shows U.S. has more procurement open to foreign bidding than the next 5 GPA members combined!
In summary, this is a welcome first step. As we invest in America's future, we don't want to trade foreign oil for Made in China solar panels. The combination of strong #BuyAmerican rules and $ means that our future can be made right here, by American workers.
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