4) ...can. Create goals and targets for being self-reliant. Find ways of being less reliant on the system. Grow/hunt your own food. Turn off your TV and stop watching mainstream news. Spend the time doing your own research and speak up about what you find. The more we can...
5) ...learn and share with others, the better off everyone will be. There must come a time when a critical mass of people can peacefully and seriously stand together in the name of truth and defend our rights and freedoms. But we will never have that if we're too afraid to...
6) ...speak out and stand up because of what our friends, family, and colleagues may think of us or what names we'll be called. We have to transcend that with 100% conviction and unwavering focus. We can do this!! I highly recommend James Corbett's series called...
7) ... #SolutionsWatch where he talks about ways in which we can better accomplish self sufficiency and limit our dependence on the system. https://www.corbettreport.com/freedom-cells-and-the-greater-reset-solutionswatch/
You can follow @greg_scott84.
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