A thread about the good and the bad of living within an #LTN .... @Ianbarnes2001 @EnfieldCouncil @BowesLTN @WarwickRoadAG
1. My daughter who suffered bad asthma now very rarely has to take her inhaler. She's happier, breathing better and we can see a visible difference.
2. I drive about 80% less than I did. Now, every journey is questioned. We have bikes and scooters to travel locally.
3. When I do drive, getting places isn't terrible. There's never a queue at the bottom of the road to get on the north circular. Before the LTN the queue at the lights could be 30 cars long.
4. I'm getting to know my neighbours. People are always out and about walking and cycling. We stop in the street to chat and to say hello.
5. I can sleep at night. Cars used to race down the road and we'd be woken up constantly. Now there is barely anything.
6. People say the community is divided. I disagree. There is a minority that are very unhappy and very vocal about it on social media (for different reasons) but if you talk to people it's very different.
7. People use LTNs as a reason to attack others on social media. It's not nice and doesn't help the cause - whichever way you go. See my point 4. Chatting is good.
Surely the end of this is the environment and as a population we drive too much. So lets use LTNs as a stepping stone to being better at caring for our world. Implement more of these, drive less, care more.
Who would have thought I'd be so vocal about all this but turns out I am and happy to be a campaigner for healthier streets. Life is hard at the moment for all of us, so please try to be excellent to each other.
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