Manchester City Attack (THREAD)

Most FPL managers are looking to replace Kevin De Bruyne, and many find their replacement in his team, Manchester City. But if we dig deeper into it, which Man City midfielder is the best one to own?

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In this thread I’m going to compare 5 City midfielders that could be options to replace KDB. Bernardo Silva, Ilkay Gündogan, Raheem Sterling, Phil Foden and Riyad Mahrez. I compare their rotation risk, goal threat and assist potential to conclude who is the best asset to own.
PL Starts last 5 games:

Silva: 5/5
Gündogan: 5/5
Sterling: 4/5
Foden: 3/5
Mahrez: 1/5

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Both Gündogan and SIlva have started 5 games in a row and we can, with KDB out, consider them pretty nailed. Sterling has 4 starts out of 5 and with KDB out he’s so important for the team that he should be a starter for the upcoming games. →
Foden and Mahrez are bigger rotation risks, but I still think that Foden can deliver in the next games. However, I wouldn’t go close to Mahrez as he is a way too big risk, starting only 1 of the last 5 PL games. 
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Goal Threat 2020/21:

1.Mahrez (0.37)
2.Foden and Sterling (0.35)
3.Gündogan (0.33)
4.Silva (0.21)

Sh/90: (Shots per 90 minutes)
1.Mahrez and Foden (2.73)
2.Gündogan (2.37)
3.Sterling (2.26)
4.Silva (1.12)

Stats source: 

The numbers are generally very close to each other, but we can tell that Mahrez and Foden are the ones that possesses the biggest goal scoring threat and that Silva is pretty far from the others in both stats. →
—> Still, the stats of both Gündogan and Sterling are good and should by no means exclude them as good options, it should rather be seen as reasons to pick these players who have recently proven that they can score.
Assist potential 2020/21:

1.Mahrez (0.33)
2.Foden and Sterling (0.23)
3.Silva (0.17)
4.Gündogan (0.12)

KP/90: (Passes that leads to a shot per 90 minutes):
1.Mahrez (2.94)
2.Foden (2.05)
3.Gündogan (1.64)
4.Sterling (1.33)
5.Silva (0.92)

Again Mahrez has the best numbers, and his assist potential is way higher than the others. Both Foden and Sterling provide good numbers too, while Gündogans and especially Silvas stats are not as good as the aforementioned three players.
Bernardo Silva (£7.4)
Ownership: 0.9%

⁃Low rotation risk ✅
⁃Not expensive ✅
⁃A differential ✅

⁃Low goal threat ❌
⁃Not very high assist potential ❌
Ilkay Gündogan (£5.5)
Ownership: 6.9%

⁃Nailed ✅
⁃Good form ✅
⁃Cheap ✅
⁃Low ownership ✅
⁃Goal threat ✅

⁃Not very high assist potential ❌
Raheem Sterling (£11.5)
Ownership: 7.5%

⁃Low rotation risk ✅
⁃Goal threat ✅
⁃Assist potential ✅
⁃Low ownership ✅

⁃Very expensive ❌
Phil Foden (£6.3)
Ownership: 11.4%

⁃Goal threat ✅
⁃High assist potential ✅
⁃Cheap ✅

⁃Rotation risk ❌
Riyad Mahrez (£8.1)
Ownership: 3.3%

⁃Goal threat ✅
⁃High assist potential ✅
⁃A differential ✅

⁃Huge rotation risk ❌
⁃Expensive ❌

His price makes Gündogan the best option here followed by Foden who also gives value for money. Sterling is a potential captain and has good stats which gives him third place. I wouldn’t pick Silva or Mahrez, weak stats for Silva and Mahrez is a too big rotation risk.

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