Raise your hand if you find it troubling that a three-year-old Twitter account that looks very much like it belongs to Ontario's Chair of its COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, General Rick Hillier, is retweeting nakedly partisan content like this:
A review of the @RHillier13 account confirms that he is a strong supporter of Erin O'Toole....
....and not a fan of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
General Hillier even retweets Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley hating on PMJT.
To show us his Conservative support isn't just a federal thing, General Hillier retweets Premier Ford as well.
General Hillier hasn't retweeted any Conservative content since being appointed Chair of the Vaccine Task Force but it's surprising that the Ford government didn't ask for his social channels and request that he scrub these partisan tweets. 'Cuz this does not look good. At all.
When the Ford government has a reputation for political payback (think Charles McVety) and cronyism (think Ron Taverner/OPP commissioner appointment), the optics of appointing a loyal party supporter to the head of the Vaccine Task Force are not good.
In a vaccine rollout that has gone anything but smoothly, it raises questions over whether more qualified candidates were rejected in favour of a partisan appointment who might ask fewer questions and more easily fall in line with the government's priorities and goals.
In a situation where 5,000+ Ontarians have died preventable deaths and where experience and competence should be driving the vaccine program, Ontarians deserve a politically independent Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force and not one who simply waves the Tory blue. /end
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