I'm rereading some of the chats from the Boogaloo Boys Discord that was dropped by anti-fascists at Left Coast Right Watch.

Amusingly, as extreme libertarians they had to be concerned with the pro-pedophilia voices among them:
Not surprisingly, some of them are Q:
A few of them brag about organizing other right wing groups:
Same guy saying antifa almost killed him twice. Makes you wonder what these Boogs were doing squaring off with antifa.

Oh there it is:
This very sophisticated attempt at laundering their violent civil war propaganda:
Reaching out to Black Twitter + the furry debate:
Very libertarian until it comes to immigrants:
The mental gymnastics involved in thinking voters are violating the NAP but starting a civil war isn't.
If a Boog seems to be on your side at a protest, it's just propaganda:
"*sigh* BLM"
All of the posts up to this point have been from the "public-relations" Discord - the sanitized ways they discuss recruiting people. Below this, tweets from across other Discord channels.
The "explorers program" referenced here is a police training thing for juveniles.
"RWDS" is right wing death squads
Literal terrorists:
When your politics are just nuclear winter:
Amazing how different the public relations and general channel were. They went from "we're not racist" to open Nazi shit.
This Boog who is somehow in the National Guard:
This Discord server had local channels for each state, where a lot some specific organizing and logistics were carried out. We can see from these that the Boogs, despite being "not right wing," dedicated a lot of time to fighting antifa.
These were posted w/ cat pictures:
White supremacists love Rhodesia:
Yep literal fascists:
This is from a convo about Trump:
When Boogaloo Boys tell you they aren't racist, this is what they mean.
Boogs are heavily influenced by the anarcho-capitalism of Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Hoppe wrote about a world of private capitalist ethno-states where minorities could be "physically removed."

There are dozens of pages of chats about Hoppe on here:
I searched the hard-r N-word. I'm not going to post examples, but it occurs enough on this server to fill the page limit at the bottom.
Some people seem to think that because Boogs try to recruit from BLM, they support BLM. Most discussion about the actual movement is negative.
Nonetheless, Boogs have been obsessed with BLM protests. They keep very close tabs on BLM events.

These are all the local state by state channels where they kept track of protests.
Keep in mind Boogs don't see the left as an actual ally vs the state. They just want cops and the left to kill each other:
From the philosophy channel:
Some religious/Illuminati conspiracy graphic with anti Semitic underlines:
These comments follow the previous post. In these chats the Boogs have to keep reminding each other not to be too racist, too violent, etc. to get mainstream support.
PEGIDA is a far right, ethno-nationalist, Islamophobic and nativist/anti-immigrant group.
Same guy says it's him in the photo. In a lot of these chats, Boogs talk about their involvement with other far right groups, militias and protests. Many are not just Boogs.
I just want to point out: this was a moderated server. Mods and users told people to avoid politics, racism, controversial topics, etc. and banned people over it.

All of these posts have been Boogs on good behavior.
Lots of conspiracy theorists if you dig through. Vaccine conspiracy theory; vaccines and the "God gene" to make you less empathetic and religious:
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