Lot of people in the various hashtags claiming that warning about the appalling effects of Brexit is not the same as wanting them to happen, but we think we ought to be honest about how fucking annoying it would be if it was working out fine.
Like, if we'd been wrong and Brexit actually was a great plan and we all looked like fools for thinking that a racist idea couldn't make sound economic sense too.
"Damn, guess we should have voted Leave after all! Haha oh well!"
If you can't win, at least lose and be right, you know?
"Oh, I dearly wish it wasn't all going wrong!" No you don't! Of course you don't. Admit to enjoying the schadenfreude of your every prediction coming to pass.
Smugness is the only reward this shitty society is going to give you. Take it.
People are trying to talk about Brexit in our replies and this really isn't about that per se. We've all been having these arguments for 4 years. We are beyond caring.
You can lament the things that are happening - that's a given - but there's no need to bend over backwards to act like you'd have been happy to be proved wrong about this awful idea.
Idk. It would just be so much more awful if Johnson and his ilk got their way *and* turned out to be right too. Our moral certitude is all we have.
In order for that to happen, we'd have to be wrong about a lot more stuff, of course. Perhaps what we're trying to articulate is a need to at least go down fighting.
The cause is just, even if it's doomed to failure.
And we're not saying you can't be both distraught at the chaos being unleashed *and* a little bit pleased at how badly it's blowing up in the faces of those responsible. Emotions are complicated. There's a little sadism in all of us.
Like how if they'd really had to drag Trump out of the White House trussed up like poultry or something, *obviously* that would be a dark day for America and the rest of the world but...fucking hell...it would have been funny as shit, right?
Just think it's okay to feel ugly emotions sometimes. No one's perfect.
Also, you know, as a general counterpoint to some replies we're getting: in order for Brexiteers to have been right, the world would have to work very differently anyway, as a corollary to that. So there was never a risk of that being the case.
We'd have had to be wrong about *so much else* that it would cause an existential crisis.
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