cw // food
sakuatsu but they're 2 different types of pasta sauce. *bows*
atsumu is a grandeur, slightly spicy, and savory red sauce that dresses the pesto. he proudly stands on top of the meal with confidence that people will love him.

meanwhile, kiyoomi is a calmer, a slightly sweet white sauce, that calmly sleeps on top of the pasta.
of course they have their disagreements, fighting over which one is better- which pasta sauce people loved more.

atsumu claims that he's loved because of his charms, his beautiful red hue that adds color, and the savory taste that people die for.
kiyoomi fights with the statement "simple is best", and his white color is not boring at all. he claims his sweetness and creaminess sways the customers.

but through those fighting, through those bickering, they have accidentally created a new form of pasta.
atsumu's spaghetti, and kiyoomi's carbonara... what differences they had, they have settled it the day atsumu admit his love for sakusa's sweetness and milkiness, and sakusa replied he had longed for atsumu's bold shades and strong flavor.
with the help of their chef, they have created a lovely combination for lasagna. atsumu's bold and strong flavors, balanced with kiyoomi's sweetness and creaminess.

and thus, their love has blossomed to a flavor many people, young and old alike, learned to love and adore.
.........why did i write this
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