So it’s thread story time with Nona. Settle in. I’m going to tell you why the APPG report is important for moving forward in the wrestling industry.
As we are all aware now, professional wrestling is unregulated. Unlike other contact sports there isn’t a definitive set of rules, regulations and accountability. This is obviously problematic. Whilst these rules don’t stop all abuses, they can offer somewhere to go
when it comes to reporting and even potentially shutting down companies found in breach. As it currently stands, there is a governing body that exists that could, potentially, take professional wrestling schools at least under its wing to offer regulation. This would offer MAJOR
accountability for the industry at the very start. Now the issue is, that those needed to agree are thus far saying no. There are potentially many reasons for this. More than likely it is due to credibility. Not everyone views professional wrestling as a ‘proper sport’.
In my personal opinion.... that shouldn’t matter. If the shoe fits then you wear it. Abuse is happening and the regulation is needed, but I digress.
The APPG report has potential to add substantial weight on those who need to say yes, saying yes, and if not then a new regulatory body being created for wrestling. Has that blueprint already been created? I can’t say. I can say, that it is what many of us however are going for.
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