Here are 5 things I've changed about myself and how I did it (THREAD)

1. I went from a pessimist to a rational optimist.

Meditation shows you that you are not your thoughts.

You can disengage from your negative stream of consciousness

and choose what to believe.

2. I improved my posture. I used to hunch, now I stand up straight.

Consistent weight training was the key.

I used to think posture was about flexibility.

It's not - it's about core strength.

Improve your posture by strengthening your back and core.

3. I used to let anxiety run my life. Now, I care about the 20% that matters.

Most of what you worry about doesn't really matter.

I used to be obsessed with managing all the details of my life.

Now, I care about *creating.*

The rest takes care of itself in its own time.

4. I used to be terrified to write or post online. Now, I do it every day.

I realized that you have a footprint on the internet whether you like it or not.

It's much better to control the message yourself

than have other people dictate what Google kicks up about you.

5. I let go of much of my fear.

This has been a 5-year process, made possible by:

- meditation
- @tferriss "fear setting" exercise
- marrying someone braver than me.
- my obsession with trying to get freedom of my time.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't change.
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