Our current model of “growth” is not actually growth, the unpriced externalities we are generating are self terminating us. In reality we are living in degrowth, a great stagnation & a world of zero sum games; driving innovation into politics & policy (division of the existing).
The real challenge is charting a new growth which is materially circular & socially equitable and shifting activism from policy to the technologies of human development.
The crisis we face is that stagnation is structuring our politics and policy for a zero sum game - a place of rivalry, redistribution - the pretext of war - civil or transnational.
Discovering a new growth - requires us to recognize that our governance model has failed, our human development thesis is systemically outdated, our means of organising predicated on an antique industrial society, and our investment in innovation fundamentally inadequate.
The challenge we face is that covid has and will accelerate the demise our old economy with limited pathways to another. Leaving Zombie-economic development as the easy and assured route to demise.
Carbon is NOT the problem it is a symptom of a structural problem. Addressing this reality has to be core of any renewal.
Most of the growth our economy have led has been a function of “outsourcing”, efficiency, scaling distribution and unbooked externalities. This “value” of this is coming to an end. Building real economies for viable innovation will require structural reform from capital to mngt
Building this future, requires us to rebuild our collective capacity to not fear the future, build the our collective capacity for long termism, build our collective psychological wealth, rebuild trusted deep democracy. These intangible societal assets are vital to any transition
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