A little Tuchel Thread and what Chelsea can expect of him personally. Closely followed him in his time in Germany and studied his biography.
👇 https://twitter.com/Sky_MaxB/status/1353644545020465153
Despite being a kinda "difficult" character who is known for his strict rules (he brieved the night clubs in Paris to tell them if his players party) Tuchel has a GREAT emphaty and knows how to deal with world-class players and take the best out of them.
He is one of the most intelligent coaches in the world. After leaving Dortmund he used his sabbatical to learn new languages & visit other clubs/sports. He is known to be a "rulebreaker", meaning that he tries to develope players by always setting them new challenges in training.
His past sackings were all caused by private disputes with the club owners. Tuchel is kinda stubborn but for ME PERSONALLY he was on the true side in all these disputes. But if someone does not work like he wants (transfers etc.), he gets angry.
Tuchel likes to play "positional play" -based football BUT also allows his star players the required freedom in the final third (similar to Pep) Havertz is a player that will certainly profit from this.
Tactical we can expect a lot of flexibility even tho Tuchel clearly prefers a 4-3-3 starting formation. One of the main "trademarks" has been the use of chip balls over the defensive line to the overlapping fullbacks. Ziyech could be a perfect players for these passes.
All in all I expect as MASSIVE improvement football-wise by Chelsea. BUT it will take some patience and Tuchel is completely different to Lampard and the squad will need some weeks to adapt to him. Tactical AND personal.
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