Tu B'Shevat (celebrating trees) begins Wednesday night. Below are 16 different options of trees you can buy from @JNFUSA for $18.

Thursday, I’ll chose the 5 trees below that get the most likes & buy them.

I hope you’ll SHARE this & join me in planting trees in Israel 🌳🇮🇱
1. JNF Trees for Israel Certificate

🌳 Classic certificate and is appropriate for all occasions such as memorials or births.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3539&store_id=8562
2. JNF Pet Certificate

🌳 The Pet Certificate with artwork by illustrator and visual designer Giulia Borsi is the perfect way to honor your beloved family pet or celebrate that special animal lover in your life.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=4541&store_id=8562
3. Holy Land Certificate

🌳 Over 100 years ago, Jewish National Fund began to replenish the native vegetation of the Holy Land that had disappeared or been destroyed.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3532&store_id=8562
4. Children's Forest Certificate

🌳 The Children's Forest certificate features a patchwork quilt of children planting trees in Israel. Send this certificate to someone special for a birth or Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3523&store_id=8562
5. Coretta Scott King Forest Certificate

🌳 As a tribute to Coretta Scott King and her message of peace & equality, a section of the Biriya Forest in northern Israel will be replanted as the Coretta Scott King Forest.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3525&store_id=8562
6. Circle of Life Certificate

🌳 The Circle of Life certificate is a beautiful tree certificate that celebrates life and the Jewish tradition. Send this certificate in honor of a birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, marriage or any other lifecycle event.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3524&store_id=8562
7. Dance of Peace Certificate

🌳 The artwork for the Dance of Peace Certificate was donated to JNF by acclaimed artist Burton Morris, a recipient of the Tree of Life (TM) Award in 2015.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3526&store_id=8562
8. Celebrate with Trees for Israel Certificate

🌳 The Celebrate With Trees For Israel certificate features a pair of hands planting a tree sapling. Send this certificate to mark any joyous occasion and connect the recipient with the land of Israel.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3522&store_id=8562
9. Rejoice Certificate

🌳 The artwork for the Rejoice Certificate was donated to JNF by acclaimed artist Burton Morris, a recipient of the Tree of Life (TM) Award in 2015.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3536&store_id=8562
10. Tree-by-Tree Children of the Holocaust:

🌳 Contributions from this certificate establish a forest in Israel in memory of the 1.5 million children who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

🖥 https://secure.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/;jsessionid=00000000.app20041a?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3538&store_id=8562&NONCE_TOKEN=81D12891C7618F0246BFECB46CF3575A
11. JNF Unity of Israel

🌳 The Unity of Israel certificate features people of all nationalities dancing in Jerusalem. Send this certificate in honor of a birthday, wedding or any lifecycle event.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3540&store_id=8562
12. Wings of Peace Certificate (Pink)

🌳 This charming certificate is perfect for honoring a birth, a birthday or a Bat Mitzvah.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3542&store_id=8562
13. Wings of Peace Certificate (Blue)

🌳 This charming certificate is perfect for honoring a birth, a birthday or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3541&store_id=8562
14. General Water Certificate

🌳 JNF has added more than 12% to Israel's water supply, satisfying the needs of 1.2 million citizens, and now recycles 80% of Israel's waste water. Water-starved countries are turning to Israel for solutions.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3529&store_id=8562
15. Desert Water Certificate

🌳 Over the last 2 decades, Israel, a land that is 60% desert and only captures rain during the winter months, has managed to mitigate its water crisis with the help of JNF.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3527&store_id=8562
16. Israel Waterfall Certificate

🌳 JNF's all-occasion water certificates symbolize its ongoing commitment to expanding water resources in Israel and abroad, greening the land, and developing the Negev and the Galilee.

🖥 http://support.jnf.org/site/Ecommerce/?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=3533&store_id=8562
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