The witch-hunting of lockdown sceptics - spiked
I’m among those who, apparently, belong in a circle of hell for questioning both the narrative & the data itself. I’m not a right-winger or indeed any winger. I’m not paid to express the views that I do.
I’m well-qualified to assess what we’re told & much of it is wrong. I don’t know why & I never speculate because I’m not qualified to do so. The virus exists & has certainly contributed to many deaths. That’s about the only thing Govt & SAGE says that’s correct, IMO. What I...
...have never done is to encourage anyone to break the absurd rules. I’ve questioned the absence of any long term safety data & non-clinical reproductive toxicology data. I’ve even recommended those at obviously elevated risk of death if infected to consider getting vaccinated.
So when I question everything else, citing peer reviewed articles by eminent researchers, clearly showing that lockdowns do not significantly inhibit spreading or reduce mortality, that’s what experienced scientists do. When I observe in frustration that it’s invalid to operate..
...a medical diagnostic test without regularly characterising its operational false positive rate, I do so because it’s true. There are no exceptions or excuses for this lack. What is also true is that it’s impossible to interpret the results. No way to tell what fraction of..
...positive results are true vs false. This invalidity permeates every other measure upon which to navigate this crisis, so that we cannot even be sure what fraction of deaths attributed to Covid19 are correct. I am not a signed up member of a campaigning group, though I’m in...
...regular contact with thoughtful people in numerous groups, all wanting nothing more than transparency in the data & underlying assumptions being used to set policy. If I was a neutral observer, looking at my actions, I’d be hard pressed to find a reason why I might be...
...sticking my head above the parapet, other than my several decades of relevant expertise in interpreting complex biological data sets is telling me we’re being seriously misled. I’ve no history of public comment on anything before this crisis. Like you all, I too am a victim..
..of the malign & extended effects of policy for which there is no evidence. You’re entirely free to ignore everything I write. So how critics believe me asking questions leads to deaths seems to me to irrational & causes me to question their motives.
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