In the past few days, I've noticed a few MSPs/MPs and yessers, resorting to calling some yessers '' keyboard warriors ''. Offensive as it is, I've deciding to post a wee bit of info about some yessers who were going above and beyond for the YES camp, back in the day.
Stay tuned.
In 2012 A small group of independence activists, quickly came to the conclusion that the #bettertogether campaign was nothing more than an AstroTurf campaign. In other words, on the ground, it didn't actually exist. More importantly, they wanted to show, to what extent, Labour
in Scotland played in this unionist campaign, both as a ' party ' and at a grassroots level.

The small yesser group began with two folk that decided to attend and secretly film as many #bettertogether meetings as possible. The aim was also to count attendees, note who was
organising and which speakers(from which parties) sat at the top table in each of these ' public ' meetings.

In the first few months our two activists would find it relatively easy to find both the public meeting and their planned door-to-door leafletting. Our two yessers
would then attend the meetings pretending to be #bettertogether supporters and secretly filmed the proceedings and listened to the group-talk afterwards.

As for the #bettertogether leafletting (which REALLY was an AstroTurf campaign) Our two trusty yessers would turn-up at
the time and place advertised in their groups on Facebook etc and and wait. Most of the time, it was a No show, not one member of the public would appear to help distribute their leaflets, on the few occasions that a couple of folks turned-up, the organisers

Online, #bettertogether certainly gave the impression that public meetings and leafletting was happening everywhere, every day/night, this couldn't be further from the truth and to test this and attempt to keep an eye and ear on what was being said and by whom, our
yessers had to increase the group numbers. Four trusted yessers stepped forward and made the group swell to six.

There was a pattern to the ' public ' meetings. As the weeks went past, their meetings became anything but public. The pattern was usually one tory at the
table with two Slab and then maybe a #bettertogether activist. The main thrust of their arguments to the often meagre audience were as follows - pensions / currency / too poor / borders. These four headings were their favourite topics. Their next favourite subject was CASH,
oh man, did they like to fundraise !

After videos were posted online, their public meeting began to be quite private meetings. Obtaining a ticket became quite difficult and many hoops had to be jumped through before they would trust the applicant but ways were found to get
around this. The group would also video Labour MSPs organising and distributing leaflets, outed on a weekly basis.

The #bettertogether meeting weren't just for the plebs, oh no. Two meetings in particular were attended by landowners, eager to give cash and eager to hear
where their cash was being spent. They were brought to the (closed)meetings by luxury coach.

Apart from bringing info to the general YES movement of what exactly was going on at the astroturf NO camp, video info was being sent to the YES HQ.

I've probably given away far too
much info but the point here is this- Before you call someone a keyboard warrior just stop and think. The reason that some appear to be merely keyboard warriors is because there isn't a fkn campaign at this moment. Not everyone is best utilised by popping leaflets through doors.
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