You know, I’ll just say what bothers me.
And probably a lot more Souls than just me.

You just read and do with it whatever you want:
The world doesn’t bother me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Gaia.

The people bother me. Yes the people. That includes me, I’m not anyone special. I AM me. The only difference is that I don’t stay silent, I don’t let it slide when people harm other people. I just can’t.
“It’s not up to you to transmute all the darkness” yes that’s true. It is not up to me. It’s everyone’s own problem, each Souls own responsibility to clean up their mess.

But isn’t that how we got here? Isn’t that exactly why everything is FCKED?!?!??

Because we play solo games
Shouldn’t we help each other transmute darkness into light. Shouldn’t we listen to each other’s stories and hearts. Shouldn’t we show empathy towards every living being on this plane. Shouldn’t we care for Gaia like she does for us. Shouldn’t we love unconditionally. Shouldn’t we
Isn’t that the whole point of Divine oneness? To be ONE. To see everyone as ourselves, to not ignore each other. Even when it’s dark. But to help no matter what, to be there no matter what, to listen no matter what. Isn’t that unconditional love? Am I just crazy? What’s going on.
It hurts me to see people act stupid towards one another, simply for personal gains or to feed the ego. It hurts me to hear the cries of the lost souls, the children, the animals, nature. It hurts me to see so many souls try, only to be shot down by backdrop people. To be hurt.
Why do you ask me to ignore it? Why do you tell me to not see it as my own. Aren’t we all one? You cannot ask me to walk away, I can’t and won’t ever leave. The whole purpose of being here, is to work this out. This exact “issue” this imbalance.

So no I can’t turn a blind eye.
Sure, we shouldn’t take the weight of the world on our shoulders all alone. That is my whole point with this passionate rant, yes I might seem upset or angry or mad, I’m not. Simply passionate about life, nature, Gaia, humanity. Isn’t this a multiplayer experience? Aren’t we one.
Why don’t we apply empathy? And take the weight of the world on our shoulders together as one people? Is it really that hard to think about more than just yourself for once? Wouldn’t it be better for every being on this plane, if we all help each other? There is abundance for all
We are still fighting each other over meaningless things. Religions, labels, beliefs, color, race, country, continent. Nobody gives a fuck.

Beneath all of that, we are all souls. We are all family. We are all equal in value, simply walking different paths on different journeys.
Not one being is better than the other. Not one path is better than the other. Not one role is better than the other. Not one skill set is better than the other. Not one Frequency is better than the other. Not one emotion is better than the other.

For all make up the harmony.
All are different instruments in the song of the universe. Different harmonies that together create the perfect combination of individuality to bring out nature’s oneness. To bring about all the different aspects of the same fundamental underlying Source energy. Everythingmatters
Authenticity is important, because your unique frequency is needed. Your unique purpose and soul is why you are here. Don’t copy someone else, there is only one needed. One of you! Be you! Just be!!!!!!! Do what makes you happy, with love and empathy. Follow your intuition. Love.
You are not here by accident. You are here because you are needed here, for who you are.
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