Corruption in the private sector is real. Now entering the third week where one particular retailer does not have a single unit of my products. All my competitors are fully stocked.

This is how the game is played:
Unscrupulous supplier offers purchasing officer a kickback for every unit purchased. Purchasing officer colludes with shelf attendant to throttle competitor's products. Shelf space is allocated to the kickback products.
For as little as KSh5 per bag, this is how easy it is to corner the market. Nobody cares about what customers want.

And then stories are invented.

"This supplier is unreliable."
"Look at the trend, the other products are outselling this one" - but of course they are!
This is my game: I contact the owner. I state my case. I give names, phone call details, stock figures, and dates.

Mtu akifutwa kazi, shauri yake. Better aombe kazi from the kickback people. Useless.
A few months ago, kickback guy ran low on funds, so the kickbacks stopped. Same purchasing guys sent the orders to us, in order to "take revenge" on the other guy for not bribing.

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