I get a fair amount of flack over these early morning tweets... I would expect nothing less and I love it. So why all these idiot messages...?
Truth is, I gained weight over the holidays (starting with Thanksgiving), added close to an inch to my #FUPA, and was headed back to #Clydesdale status... On top of that (or maybe because of that) my motivation to post was in the toilet.
So one morning, as I was sitting on the side of my bed and struggling mightily to get up and go, I changed my profile pic to fat shame myself and posted a message to try and motivate myself to get moving. It worked, so I repeated it.
Then I had to get painfully real with my #ShieldLock to help me and hold me accountable.
The stupid messages helped, and I was also hearing from guys saying how it helped them as well.
So I kept tweeting them. Maybe it helps, maybe I’m an idiot.
However... and I think @DreddCNC would agree with me... if you’re gonna be an idiot, may as well be a Dancing one...

It’s Monday, boys, let’s get started.


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