LET’S CLEAR THE AIR ON THIS left-right hand issue. This topic was sparked from a tweet about someone who wanted to offer an Uber driver a tip but then decided not to when he asked that she use her right hand.
This topic isn’t meant to throw shades at lefties at all but rather to bring to light a point that we as Christians need To understand;
There are basic cultural ethics that apply to different regions of the world. In this region there are simple actions you can make to show...
...that your respect towards someone. Using the right hand to give/receive is one of ‘em.

Rom 12:18 says “if it is possible ON YOUR PART, live at peace with all me”.
I think this verse is self explanatory. Check out this next one...
1Cor 9:20 “To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.”
So if the law of the land says “it’s sign of respect to...
give or receive items from people with your right hand, I think it’s safe to say as Christians, to live at peace with all men and most importantly for the benefit of Soul winning, it’s better we comply.
Mark 12:17 says
“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” So if Caesar’s request is a right hand, give him and give to God your whole body. 😉
I’m really sorry the earlier tweets felt like a shade against lefties. Wasnt the case.
As a lefty, If you find yourself in the situation, if no one says anything; cool, but otherwise. Just apologize and switch hands. You might be the one to lead that person to Christ eventually.
Besides, Truth be told, things are slowly changing cultural orientation is evolving. In a couple of years, these things would be “ancient practice” because the newer generation would understand the effects better, so let’s not loose our peace and fellowship over it.
You can follow @jay_mikee.
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