Home : Louis Tomlinson and his beloved louies 🏡

- thread of how Louis has created a home for his fans♡
louis with his louies: a bond like no other ♡
#LOUIS : be proud!
Louis adores his Muslim louies♡
He thinks of every single one of us and how we would be most comfortable♡
Louis loves his black louies sm♡
Louis is the sun spreading positivity and love giving everyone the rays of hope♡
Louies' comfort and safety is louis' priority♡
#LOUIS : louies before sleep♡
"You're safe with me"
Gentle as a feather with his fans♡
Louis does that thing with his thumb when he hugs his fans to give them comfort and calm their nerves♡
Louis is the reason why many of his fans are still holding on, me being one of them♡
Our light, our hope♡
He was always our because♡
"My fans are the best fans in the world, they're the reason i do what i do"♡
"we're a team, a family"♡
"it's all for them"♡
Remember when he was frustrated bc fans outside of UK didn't have many opportunities for meeting him at the streaming parties?
He learnt sign language for his fans and he casually uses it when around fans♡
Louis loves cuddling and holding his louies' hand♡
Hugs and cuddles for everyone♡
Always reminding us to stay safe, be positive and be happy in times like these♡
The banter between us♡
Flipping eachother off is our favourite thing to do♡
'we' and 'us' are Louis and his louies' love language♡
Nicknames are a constant between us♡
#LOUIS : what my louies want, my louies get♡
He's constantly thanking us for the littlest of thing, making sure that we know he's incredibly grateful for our support and that he values us♡
"i'm sorry louis" "don't worry darling, don't worry!" Such a softie ♡
Remember, louis loves you if you love him♡
This is just a summary of how Louis has become our home, i could go on and on about it but words will never be enough, i just want you guys to know no matter what, louis loves you and supports you, so always keep smiling and stay safe♡
💌 Louis' message for you
Louies follow me, I'm nice🥺
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