I've mentored and guided a lot of amazing folk to become software engineers, and 90% of them drop out or don't make it. I realised its because they have very wrong ideas about this industry and how it works.

Here are my top 5 myths about being a software engineer

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1. ⛈️ You'll learn programming in 3 months and get a job. Sorry to break it to you, but there's no fast way. This is a full-blown career and accepted branch of engineering. It'll take you at least 1 year of intensive, practical training for you be ready for the job market.
2. 🙋 Frontend is easier than backend engineering. That's not how it works. Modern frontend engineering is a nightmare, and it's not the easier path to becoming a software engineer. Make the decision between frontend or backend based on what you have a passion for.
3. 🧐 Engineers (programmers) can, and should only write code. That's so old school. The best engineers grow in design, marketing, leadership or business skills. Companies are looking for people beyond coders. You need to provide value beyond coding to any company you work for.
4. 🪜 You'll make tons of money in a very short time. In this career path, your value grows with time and experience. Don't expect to start earning in dollars after building a todo list. It'll take time. From an intern, to a junior role, and you move up the ladder. Be patient.
5. I hope this gives you a better perspective into the industry, manages your expectations and motivates you to put in more work and passion into making it as a software engineer.

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