Tonight’s oldies fascination. Anyone remember The Beatles- Rock ‘n’ Roll Music compilation? Released in 1976 w/ mostly 50s covers & early rockers, and anachronistic packaging, Capitol was trying to capitalize on America’s 50s nostalgia craze & repeat success of Endless Summer
The disc, aimed for those too young to have experienced Beatles when they were a band, essentially whitewashes any traces of them as an experimental, psychedelic outfit. And focuses, misleadingingly, on them as 50s style rockers. The album went to number two in 1976, so it worked
In Rob Sheffield’s great book about the Beatles, a lot of attention is given to the fascinating topic of those who first experienced Beatles fan hood, not in the 60s, but through new means like the Blue and Red albums, Beatlemania musical etc. Probably lots of people actually.
Not trying to be cynical. Even Beatles were puzzled by 50s iconography. Wonder if it’s related to massive success of Endless Summer. Repackaged flailing Beach Boys as oldies, by ignoring anything dangerous, aka anything from Pet Sounds on. Just a safe cars and surf act again.
My parents had Meet the Beatles, Sgt. Pepper, and White Album. So before Red and Blue, and being a kid, I had no access to any of there other stuff. No iTunes, no Spotify. Most of the oldies must’ve been new to me. Where else would I find them besides oldies radio in 1973?
Here’s the question raised by this thread: Anyone recall how the Beatles were actually regarded in the early to mid seventies. They couldn’t be as ubiquitous as they’d been, plus rock had moved on to glam, prog and hard rock. Were they out of fashion? Still thought of at all?
Been reading about Wings OverAmerica. Paul played 5 Beatles songs on that tour. I believe that was first time any former Beatles played Beatles songs live. Everyone tried putting it behind them till Paul embraced the nostalgia around 1976.
I was 8 in, say, 1974. Definitely felt like Elton had taken over what Beatles had occupied. Then again, he took a Lucy in the Sky cover to number 1. John joined him onstage. And play Saw Her Standing There. Feels like boys were getting more okay with embracing their past?
Lorne Michaels trying to get them back together was only 7 years after the breakup. Felt like decades had passed. Seven years before now was 2014. Seems like nothing.
Recently read a thread about why Beatlesque power pop bands like Raspberries, Abigail Star, Badfinger all essentially failed commercially in early 70s. One theory: rock had moved on to FM prog, glam, hard rock. And that Beatle-type music represented a more AM pop past.
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