⚠️TW: Racial violence, genocide, generational trauma ⚠️

Going to approach this topic a little more seriously so forgive my sudden language shift. Tomorrow, 26 January, is "Australia Day"- although many others may name it "Invasion Day" or "Survival Day"... (thread)
January 26 is the day the First Fleet sailed into Sydney Cove and occupied Aboriginal Land. It is a day that signals the beginning of two centuries of trauma, oppression, violence and genocide. It is impossible to ignore or remove this context from the day...
It is not a day of celebration. It was first recognised in 1938 by Aboriginal people's as a day of mourning. Before 1994, 'Australia Day' had changed dates multiple times and was originally started to raise funds for WWI. There is no reason that we cannot change the date...
So tomorrow, instead of simply partying with your mates and getting drunk, please listen to the conversations that are happening. Listen to Aboriginal people when they tell you what the day means. Amplify Aboriginal voices. Don't dismiss them, or speak over them...
There's heaps you can do to get involved. Support Aboriginal artists, businesses and organisations. Show your support in any way you can - financially if you can, or simply by sharing their artwork, their stories, their perspectives. I won't post tomorrow except to share these...
I (Miles' dad) am not Aboriginal. So, below, please find a list of resources and organisations to support or simply learn more. It's not my conversation to lead, but I will help if and where I can. I'm also very open to advice/feedback so please comment if I miss anything!
Thanks for sticking around this long. Remember, to create the change we want to see, we have to be active participants in change. We're all learning, and that's cool and good! Call out racism, use your voice where you can, and show up for the community.

Thanks, here's Miles.
You can follow @Miles900Lives.
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