Read it carefully.
It is unimaginable and in a way stupid too that u believe somebody, who's been anonymous on a platform like twitter and has never shared any details with u but keeps on whining abt ur importance and how much u mean to them. ++
They just SAY it to fulfil their cruel intentions bcz they know u will believe them. And its okay if u do it bcz u hv been a good human being. But believing somebody blindly and not caring abt their wrongdoings, bcz u believe they cannot be wrong is actually WRONG.++
They hv been hiding their existence purely bcz they had bad intentions and they still have those intentions. If u still believe them bcz u consider them ALWAYS right then u r making a fool outta urself. U mean nothing to them after their purpose is filled, +++
Bcz u never meant anything to them., they just use ppl and move ahead. There were plenty before u, there will be plenty after u. Bcz this world is full of emotional fools. And ppl like them use such emotions to fool ppl around. So stop believing ppl blindly. Aas paas dekho.
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