ROSIE AS HELL. (for those of you new here, sure I may be full of shit but at least I'm not Dark Dirk). Proud Boys, Boogaloos and Oathkeepers done f'xd up. A thread.
Before I get to what pathetic asses the Proud Boys are, let's look at some science of human physiology, eh? (Tough shit I had to look at their stupid asses, so you can too).
I have a life-long commitment to exercise and have spend hundreds of hours lifting weights. I have always struggled with staying lean, but let's just say I have a GOOD idea of what lifting does versus what steroids do
The boogs, proud boys, III percenters are mostly 'roiders. They cheat for appearances because they are too lame to put in the work, and too sad to accept themselves for their outcomes. They probably smoke to stay lean too, f ers
So you know what 'roids do long term? They shrink your nuts and lower your testosterone.
You know what else they do? They make you dumb.
Law enforcement as an issue with steroid use too, same issues as the boogs, but it ALSO opens LE up to kompromat, because 'roids are illegal and are delivered in the black market. Any exposure to the black market for a cop is an invitation
Because 'roided up boogs are dumb, they are easily confused. And so they have adopted "no masturbation" as a theory for increasing their testosterone (to combat their low T). This theory - of course - is founded on bad science out of china
OK. I digressed, but here's an important point. The people that stormed the Capitol, on balance, were unmanly lame-asses falsely boosted on steroids and stupidity. Which makes their failure ... well ... kind of expected.
On the other hand - steroid pumped dumbfxs are EXACTLY the kind of idiots who make exceptional cannon fodder if you imagine conducting a violent insurrection against the world's most powerful democracy. Like Bannon
Bannon and M. Flynn - both core Trumpists in the run-up to the Jan 6 insurrection - are both smartevil and both have significant military experience. Flynn was in from 1981 and had VAST training.
OK that was a lot of background - here comes the rosie part.
Bannon and Flynn have exceptional tactical and strategic planning experience. There is ZERO chance that their "plan" was to send some 'roided up Proud Boys to scare Congress and call it good. There was a ANOTHER PLAN. A plan that failed.
There are a TON of hints floating around about what the failed plan was, but I think one 'roided up dumbass in particular has provided hints. Hints which indicate that Bannon/Flynn lied to him, he huffed his own glue, and will suffer for it. That man? Alex Jones - RU dupe.
Here's one hint. Jones asks "are you scared" because he actually thinks Flynn is going in for real. Then everyone pretends like they aren't really planning to violently attack the Capitol. Flynn, of course, knows Jones is a dupe.
Jones is smart enough to lie about being peaceful but seems to have ACTUALLY believed Trump was storming the other side of the Capitol. I kind of imagine him walking over there to find Trump because he's an idiot.
So Alex Jones and all these Proud Boy dupes all thought that Trump was coming and that they were executing some magnificent overthrow of the government. BUT WHEN THEY COULDN'T FIND PELOSI/SCHUMER/PENCE ... they just fizzled out? That doesn't seem like Bannon/Flynn's plan.
DIRK'S ROSIE VIEW: Here's what I think happened. Bannon/Flynn plan, step 1: get 'roided up dumbasses to rush the capitol, overwhelm the USCP, and break in.
Step 1A (this failed) have USCP in pocket, so there's no resistance and Proud Boys reach chambers during debate. Seize Congress, blitzkrieg style, before Congress could escape.
Bannon/Flynn expected step 1A (USCP defense of the Capitol) to fail because they arranged a big enough mob to force police to fall back or use deadly force; mobilized Oath Keepers and Proud Boys to breach multiple points of entry ... but USCP fought overwhelming odds.
Also at play in the first hours - USCP elected not to use deadly force despite being physically attacked by a radicalized mob. If they had fired on the crowd ... ... ... a "martial law" response might have seemed justified.
If the 'roided up boogs had either incited the USCP to fire on the crowd and start bloody massacre, OR had reached the House and Senate floor in time to seize congressional leadership ... this is where I expect the Bannon/Flynn Plan Stage II would have kicked in.
In Stage II, the National Guard (or some other military/paramilitary force) would be sent in to "restore order". Possibly Flynn/Bannon thought they had a force that would support Trump and negotiate with the boogs ... or perhaps they thought an all out gun battle would work.
In either scenario (negotiate with boogs holding Congress captive or straight gun battle), Trump could legitimately call for martial law and exercise "emergency" powers. That is the scenario under which US democracy would have ended.
Stage II, however, never materialized. It FAILED. Miserably. Rosie Dirk laughs thinking about the sinking feeling that must have come over the Trumpists, Bannon and Flynn when there was no second wave and the boogs just wandered stupidly around.
So here's what Rosie Dirk thinks is the story that will be told: 1) Stage II was planned out nice and pretty and Trump/Pompeo/Flynn/Bannon had it in hand; 2) Stage II was infiltrated by patriots in the FBI and/or DOD and ...
When Stage II order came from Trump, patriots had "that's not legal" guidance already in hand AND THEY REFUSED THE ORDER. And the boogs and Trumpists ... wandered vaguely around ....
As a bonus, because the patriots had infiltrated the Stage II plan, THEY HAVE ALL THE COMMS, ALL THE PLANS, THE CONSPIRACY AND THE ILLEGAL ORDER. So what FBI Dir Wray is doing right now is prepping to arrest the failed leaders of Stage II.

Rosie Dirk Out.
If you've read this far, and you dig this kind of thing, I always appreciate a follow. The liars, cheats and smoke-up-your-skirts have a much bigger mouthpiece than those of us that try to say it straight.
This is massive. Both Ali and massive dumbass and RU shill Jones ... INSIDE THE CAPITOL PLOTTING TO STOP A GOVERNMENT PROCESS. So, so soo soooo very dumb.
I almost feel bad for him except he has done great harm to the country and ideals I love so burn in hell dbag except this is a rosie thread so ... too bad you proved the case against yourself before trial started a hole
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