~My thoughts & connections on birds/flying/Larry, prob going to be a thread, been mulling over this for a while~
After hearing coacoac I realized how many connections there were between it, sott, and iicf. So here’s a breakdown of my thoughts:
1) iicf: obvious flying/bird references, “coming right back HOME to you”(obvious connection to song Home, we know home is their thing, plus L’s compass tattoo pointing to home), “I’m completely defenseless”(can’t help but connect that to Defenseless by L), “for your eyes only,...
...I show you my heart ... I’m missing half of me when we’re apart”(of H’s bird tattoos, the one representing L literally looks at H’s heart), & “for your eyes only”(repeated so many times, could be ref to how their love is literally for their eyes only bc of their closeting).
2) sott: first off- in the mv he is literally flying around like a bird, “you look pretty good down here, but you ain’t really good”(look very successful, but not alright bc still on the ground aka not free), “running from the bullets”(ref to being hunted like birds sometimes...
...are, being hunted/running from bullets keeps them from flying/being free), & “we should open up before it’s all too much”(should open up/come out before their relationship is too much to try to hide).
3) coacoac: the obvious similarity being the way the music sounds,“dreamers divin’ head first”(birds dive), “broken beaks and dead birds, can’t get through the glass”(stuggling to break free and be themselves, idea of glass closet), “young man, hush your crying, dry your tears...
...away”(“just stop your crying” from sott), & “you won’t be the first or be the last to bleed”(possibly talking about how closeting has happened for so long in the industry and still continues to).
~What really got me thinking though: “I can hear you, howling til your lungs hurt”, “nothing is original, there’s nothing left to say”, and “it’s a copy of a copy of a copy”...
...Is he hearing H sing the other songs? Are these songs all just copies of each other and there’s nothing different to say bc it’s so clear what their story is? Is coacoac exactly that- a copy of these songs that have come before it?
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my ideas on this :) If you have any more connections or ideas feel free to add on!
Also: can’t forget about the birdcage and bird tattoos :)
*One thing to add: I find interesting that Larry has so many sea/nautical connections- especially Adore You mv. Personally I feel like swimming is pretty opposite of flying, so the personification of the fish I think kinda says a lot.
Wow! Not only the flying I mentioned above, but the music too!! Another connection!! https://twitter.com/sunxotb/status/1355135798170054661
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